All of our books are available through Lotus Press, Amazon, or your local bookseller. They are also available in Kindle.
A Physician’s Journey: Yoga and Meditation to Holistic Medicine
by Dennis Chernin, M.D. M.PH.
In “A Physician’s Journey: Yoga and Meditation to Holistic Medicine,” Dennis K. Chernin, MD, MPH, describes how his spiritual and professional lives melded, culminating in his medical practice. It’s the story of his life’s journey and lifelong commitment to personal growth. Readers approaching from a range of perspectives will find Dr. Chernin’s experience helpful.
Chernin’s work, grounded in modern medicine, includes detailed case histories and treatments from his practice. He uses three major yoga-based paradigms – chakras, koshas and raja yoga – which are holistic models that help us understand the multidimensional fabric of human health and disease. He also explores a wide range of therapeutic modalities including nutrition, Ayurveda, hatha yoga, tai chi, meditation and homeopathy.
Readers will find a step-by-step guide to meditation based on the ancient yoga tradition of Swami Rama, and a discussion of the similarities and differences with other meditation systems, including Jewish, Taoist and devotional approaches such as kirtan (yoga chanting).
Available from Lotus Press,
ISBN 978-88188157990, $24.98, paperback, 448 pages
Yogic Practcices of the Himalayan Tradition as Taught by H.H. Swami Rama
by Prakash Keshaviah, Ph.D.
As H.H. Swami Rama always reminded his students, the purpose of human life is to attain a state that confers true happiness, bereft of all pains, miseries and bondages.
The purpose in compiling this book is to create for spiritual aspirants a ready reference of the many kriyas (yogic practices, derived from the Sanskrit kri, to act) of the Himalayan tradition that H.H. Swami Rama taught his students during the more than two decades that he spent in the United States. The vast majority of these kriyas was taught by Swamiji during seminars, workshops and lectures and have found their way into the books authored by Swamiji. However, they are scattered through many books and there is no ready reference wherein all of these kriyas are compiled and presented. It is hoped that this volume will serve that purpose. Fortunately, many of the kriyas were personally taught to the compiler of this volume during small group sessions, seminars and workshops and the writings have been compiled from his notes.
This book may be considered a progression in sadhana from the beginning practices included in the Holistic Living Manual. The 2-audio CD set, “Basic Practices of the Himalayan Tradition” provide complementary audio guidance for some of the practices in this volume.
ISBN 978-81-88157-97-6, paperback, 136 pages, $15.95
Holistic Living Manual: The Teachings of Swami Rama of the Himalayas
Presented by Prakash Keshaviah, Ph.D.
“Preventive medicine is an important part of modern life. Why should we be sick? We should be aware of health, we should be aware of diet and nutrition, we should be aware of good living, of how to eat right.” Swami Rama
The word “holistic” comes from the Greek root “holos,” which means whole, total, entire. Holistic means to understand the entire human being. In holistic health, the entire human being is considered, paying attention to the interaction and integration of the biological and physiological (body and breath), psychological (conscious and unconscious mind) and philosophical (soul) dimensions. The emphasis is on treating the whole patient and not just the symptoms of disease.
Man has to realize that he is not a body alone. He is a breathing being and a thinking being with complex emotions, appetites and desires.
To maintain good health, the following guidelines must be considered:
- Nourish and exercise the physical body
- Make the breath deep, smooth, even and continuous
- Discipline the senses
- Quieten the mind
- Calm the emotions
- Cultivate contentment
- Discover the inner being, the soul or center of consciousness
The purpose of life is to be happy and free from pains, fears and miseries. This can be achieved by practicing a self-training program as set forth in this manual.
$18.95 ISBN 978-81-88157-71-6, 128 pages
Samadhi the Highest State of Wisdom: Yoga the Sacred Science, volume 1
by Swami Rama
Samadhi the Highest State of Wisdom brings Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras to life in a very personal and helpful way. “A clear and relevant guide to the deeper practices of Yoga for those who are looking for more than mere asanas. Swami Rama addresses Patanjali’s Yoga up to its highest state of Samadhi and makes it accessible and understandable for the contemporary student.” David Frawley, author, Yoga and Ayurveda, Tantric Yoga ISBN 978-81-88157-01-3, $14.95, paperback, 256 pages
SADHANA the Path to Enlightenment: Yoga the Sacred Science, volume 2
By Swami Rama
“All sadhana is meant to purify the mind and make the mind one-pointed and inward so it can be directed toward the center of consciousness within the inner chamber of your being. Physical growth is in the hands of nature; mental growth and spiritual growth are in your hands. The second chapter of the Yoga Sutras is completely devoted to sadhana and is replete with methods of practice to help you improve yourself by learning to control your mind and its modifications. Then, you can attain a state of samadhi and realize the Self within.”
Swami Rama
ISBN 978-81-88157-68-6, $18.98, paperback, 304 pages
OM the Eternal Witness: Secrets of the Mandukya Upanishad
by Swami Rama
The Upanishads are called shruti, revelations. Mandukya Upanishad, though the shortest of all Upanishads, is a most revered, profound Upanishad that teaches us how to know four states of consciousness: the waking, dreaming and sleeping states, and turiya, the fourth state, beyond the first three. In this Upanishad, there is a unique combination of psychology and profound philosophy; a clear exposition and understanding of the four states of consciousness.
ISBN 978-81-88157-43-3, $14.95, paperback, 202 pages
Let the Bud of Life Bloom: A Guide to Raising Happy and Healthy Children
by Swami Rama
“Raising healthy, well balanced children may be one of the greatest challenges most people ever face. Swami Rama has some amazingly practical, loving and insightful advice for those of us navigating the choppy waters of parenthood.”
Linda Johnsen, contributing editor, Yoga International
ISBN 978-81-88157-04-4, $12.95, paperback, 102 pages
The Essence of Spiritual Life: A Companion Guide for the Seeker
by Swami Rama
“My life is like a slate on which are drawn a few lines by a great sage of the Himalayas, and with a feeling of gratitude all the petals of the flower of my life are offered to him.”
Swami Rama
This concise and condensed collection reflects the brilliance of the subtle essence of Swamiji’s systematic teachings. Its light shines for all seekers of Truth who may need assistance along the way.
ISBN 978-81-90100-49-6, $12.95, paperback, 136 pages
Sacred Journey: Living Purposefully and Dying Gracefully
by Swami Rama
“People today spend more time preparing for a vacation than for death. Swami Rama unveils the mysteries of the afterlife, well known to the yoga masters of the Himalayas, and teaches us how to live–and die–with serenity and full awareness.”
Linda Johnsen, author, The Living Goddess
ISBN 978-81-88157-00-6, $12.95, paperback, 136 pages
Bhole: Adventures of a Young Yogi
by Hema de Munnik
Inspired by the childhood stories of Swami Rama. This is the story about a boy named Bhole who was born in a remote village in the Himalayan Mountains of Northern India. Bhole was adopted by a great saint and raised in a cave monastery from the age of three. He loved to play pranks on meditating monks and his unruly behavior often disturbed the peaceful and quiet atmosphere in the cave. After a few years he was sent to school in his village, where he shared adventures with his dog Bhaiya, and with his friend Arjun. During his holidays he met with many yogis, saints and sages who amazed him with their supernatural powers. He wanted to become a yogi, but before this could happen he needed to remove many obstacles and had to overcome many difficulties. A book for both the young and young at heart.
ISBN 978-8-188157- 37-2, $18.95, paperback, 352 pages
Samyama the Power of Self-Transformation
by Swami Rama
Samyama the Power of Self-Transformation is the third and final volume of Yoga the Sacred Science, a series based on Swami Rama’s comments on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and other aspects of yoga science and philosophy. Samyama represents the culmination of the sacred inner journey to the center of consciousness that resides in every human being. The main theme, as can be induced from the title, is power. This is not a novel that can be read hurriedly from cover to cover, as you will soon realize. It requires several slow readings to appreciate and savor the beauty of yoga science and how to apply it in daily life to access one’s personal power and inner knowledge.
Anyone who has tried to study the Yoga Sutras without a guide can attest to how difficult it is to understand them. Within the text, Swamiji mentions that even after studying the Yoga Sutras many times in his youth, he did not understand them until he was taught by authentic yoga masters. Swamiji has shared the precious knowledge he was given to assist those who are sincerely on the spiritual path to more easily understand the sutras and especially their practical aspects. Hopefully, this volume will serve to clarify the true meaning of the Yoga Sutras and will serve as a guide to those persons who have the courage to embark on the sacred journey of self-transformation to reach its limitless and unfathomable goal of the highest state of consciousness. The final reality is silence.
Aude sapere (Dare to be wise).
ISBN 978-81-956296-8-8, $29.98, 340 pages, paperback
The Ancient Traveler: Writings on Love
by Swami Rama
The Ancient Traveler is a compilation of Swami Rama’s poems and writings on love. His compact but profound perspectives on love extend from love in general, to the complexities of human love and finally to the ecstatic heights of divine love. Based on personal life experiences and ultimate spiritual attainment, Swami Rama has gifted us enlightened glimpses of the eternal wanderings of love, the ancient traveler. In these writings Swamiji, also an ancient traveler and extravagant vagabond (as he referred to himself), reveals his deep love for his master and for the mysterious divine force that is the source of all life in this universe.
$14.95 ISBN 978-81-88157-98-3, paperback, 90 pages
At the Feet of a Himalayan Master: Remembering Swami Rama, volume 7
As with previous volumes of this series, readers will discover the many dimensions of Swami Rama. The authors of this volume are from diverse backgrounds: geographic, cultural, economic, religious professional. Despite these differences, they were drawn by Swamiji’s compassion, love and caring mentorship. He could be a tough taskmaster, but knowing that this was also a manifestation of his love, disciples were not discouraged or driven away, but continued to work on their shortcomings. It is now more than two decades since Swamiji dropped his mortal coil, but his love, guidance and presence continue to instruct and inspire. May the younger generation of spiritual seekers who were born after Swamiji’s mortal demise, find inspiration in these volumes and learn to discover the divinity that dwells within them.
ISBN 978-81-88157-94-5, 336 pages, $24.95
At the Feet of a Himalayan Master: Remembering Swami Rama, volume 6
“Truth has been Truth since the beginning of times, and Gurudev Swami Rama is timeless. His persona and physical presence during my lifetime and all of those lives he touched was a gift beyond any treasure. Each person’s experience with Gurudev was unique, fitting perfectly to that individual’s spiritual, psychological and physical growth. Each story in this volume testifies to the brilliance of Gurudev’s insight into human nature and the selflessness of his service to each individual.
Gurudev was the embodiment of Truth. What is that Truth? In Gurudev’s own words “The most ancient traveler in the world is love, which travels from eternity to eternity.” He showed us that we are truly that Love. Could there be any greater lesson than that?”
From the Foreword by Phil Nuernberger
ISBN 978-8-1881-5785-3, $21.95, 288 pp, pb with 16 page color insert

At the Feet of a Himalayan Master: Remembering Swami Rama, volume 5
“Swami Rama was a citizen of the world. He was a master of meditation who lectured, wrote books, established numerous teaching centers, and founded a hospital and medical school in the Himalayan foothills. With his unique abilities, he helped change the way science viewed the mind-body relationship, opening the door to the more holistic approach of modern medicine. This book, the fifth in a continuing series, contains the firsthand recollections of six people who, like me, came to Swami Rama as students and disciples, and whose lives were transformed. In these short narratives my fellow seekers write eloquently about their personal relationships and experiences with Swami Rama, generously sharing stories about their lives and aspirations, their struggles and inspirations. Through these memoirs we learn not only how Swami Rama individually guided these students but also how we all can live better lives. We learn that yoga meditation is not just a physical practice or an abstract philosophical tradition but a living, breathing, practical path that influences everything we do.”
Excerpted from the Foreword by Wesley Van Linda
ISBN 978-81-88157-79-2, 240 pages, $19.95
At the Feet of a Himalayan Master: Remembering Swami Rama, volume 4
“Swami Rama was one of the greatest personalities of the 20th century, a world-traveling yoga adept whose teachings and activities altered the course of history for the better, both in the East and the West. Regrettably, future generations cannot personally experience the dynamic physical presence of this extraordinary master. That’s why it’s so important for those who knew him to share their stories, so others can sense vicariously some small fraction of the spiritual power of this greatest of modern sages. In this volume, four of his students record their life-changing encounters with Swami Rama of the Himalayas.”
From the Foreword, by Linda Johnsen, author, Daughters of the Goddess: The Women Saints of India
ISBN 978-81-88157-72-3, 376 pages, $24.95, paperback
At the Feet of a Himalayan Master: Remembering Swami Rama, volume 3
Those who are writing for the series AT THE FEET OF A HIMALAYAN MASTER were either all longing for spiritual liberation or were led by the Master, Swami Rama of the Himalayas, to cultivate that longing and make it their long term goal. Those who do not understand the Master often have questions about the Master’s meanings and motives and the puzzling ‘koans’ that he often presented to the disciples to resolve the riddles and contradictions of mind and life. The reader will find ample inspiring episodes of these riddles and resolutions remembered by the writers in these volumes. The volumes need to be read not just as interesting stories about a great man, the likes of whom are born once in many a century, but as inspirations and guidance for life. These should also be read as guidance on the path of liberation. This valuable work undertaken by the Swami Rama Centre at Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust will guide many generations to come on the paths hallowed by the Himalayan masters. From the Foreword, by Swami Veda Bharati ISBN 978-81-88157–69-3, $18.98, paperback, 208 pages
At the Feet of a Himalayan Master: Remembering Swami Rama, volume 2
“At the Feet of a Himalayan Master unfolds the secrets of personal sadhana and direct contact with a great guru that are rare to find in any published literature, and with contemporary and western disciples facing the modern world and all of its limitations. The book helps us understand the many facets and the real nature of genuine spiritual practice in the Himalayan tradition and how it can transform the mind and heart.” Dr. David Frawley, author, Yoga and Ayurveda,Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound ISBN 978-81-88157-66-2, $18.98, paperback, 304 pages
At the Feet of a Himalayan Master: Remembering Swami Rama, volume 1
“Swami Rama of the Himalayas was one of the most influential spiritual teachers of the 20th century, helping launch the holistic health movement and spurring a surge of interest in yoga and meditation. Here two of Swami Rama’s closest students describe their experiences with this legendary master. Inspiring, entertaining, and often genuinely astonishing, this marvelous account offers a glimpse of a modern sage at work and at play.” Linda Johnsen, author, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Hinduism, Daughters of the Goddess: The Women Saints of India ISBN 978-81-88157-62-4, $16.98, paperback, 344 pages
Conscious Living: A Guidebook for Spiritual Transformation
by Swami Rama
“Swami Rama’s writings are a practical and precise blueprint to end pain, misery and bondage. No other author has so succinctly explained the sophisticated psychology of yoga for the modern reader.”
Leonard Perlmutter, author, The Heart and Science of Yoga
ISBN 978-81-88157-03-7, $12.95, paperback, 160 pages
The Master Speaks: Inspired Sayings of Sri Swami Rama, a perpetual calendar
A daily guide and reminder of who we are, where we have come from and what our purpose in life is. The calendar includes 367 exquisite full color photographs that echo the divine nature of Swamiji’s inspiring sayings gathered from his many books and lectures. Convenient, portable size and self standing spiral frame to fit easily on your desktop or table.
ISBN 978-81-88157-46-4, $19.95, spiralbound, 370 pages, 6×6 inches, 367 color photos