Bhole Prabhu Sings by Swami Rama As a young man Swami Rama was known as Bhole Prabhu. He was an accomplished musician who played the veena and loved to sing. But one day his master became concerned about his one-pointed devotion to music. He was worried Swamiji would...
Spanish translation of Let the Bud of Life Bloom Dejad que el Brote de Vida Florezca una guia para criar niños sanos y felices Swami Rama “Si los padres dieran total atención a sus hijos en su primera infancia, les cuidasen con amor y les dejasen crecer según sus...
Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) is envisioned by the Government of India to provide safe and adequate drinking water to all households in rural India through individual household tap connections by the year 2024. Besides, implementation of the water supply schemes; extensive...
AUM a meditation in sound by Swami Rama On the banks of the holy river Ganges in northern India, is an ancient Shiva temple where in 1988 Swami Rama recorded this chanting of AUM. As you listen to this simple yet profound recording, you are carried by the singular...
Spanish translation of Samadhi the Highest State of Wisdom SAMADHI el Estado Más Elevado de Sabiduría Yoga la Ciencia Sagrada, volumen uno Swami Rama “El día en que alcancéis el estado de Samadhi no dejaréis tan sólo de identificaros con los objetos del mundo, sino...
Guided Practice of Mantra and Meditation by Swami Rama “Meditation is a process of purifying the mind and making it one-pointed, inward, and tranquil. Through the method of meditation, the mind will help you to fathom the deeper levels of your being and lead you to...