Instruction in meditation should form an integral part of our educational system so that our children, when they grow up, can face the most difficult circumstances in their lives with equanimity and poise and lead a life totally devoid of tension – Swami Rama World...
Spanish translation of Sacred Journey VIAJE SAGRADO Vivir con Propósito y Morir en Gracia Swami Rama “Para entender la muerte, un ser humano ha de intentar entender el propósito de la vida y la relación entre la vida y la muerte. Ambas son afines, cada una le...
Today’s tree of Rural Development Institute owes it’s development to many involved at the seed stage (late 80s/early 90s). One among the many professionals who assisted the founder Swami Rama during this period was Dr. Martin Jerry. Today, as we pay homage (Dr. Jerry...
Conscious Living: A Guidebook for Spiritual Transformation by Swami Rama “Swami Rama’s writings are a practical and precise blueprint to end pain, misery and bondage. No other author has so succinctly explained the sophisticated psychology of yoga for the modern...
The Essence of Spiritual Life: A Companion Guide for the Seeker by Swami Rama “My life is like a slate on which are drawn a few lines by a great sage of the Himalayas, and with a feeling of gratitude all the petals of the flower of my life are offered to him.” Swami...
Training Programs for Local Panchayat Members and Line Departments Recently, Rural Development Institute HIHT organized two unique training programs for members of local governance and line departments in Kupwara and Rajouri district of Jammu & Kashmir and Didihat...