RDI Foundation Day (40-Day campaign with “Involvement of All”)

This year’s RDI Foundation Day celebration embodied the vision of H.H. Swami Rama, emphasizing community service through outreach initiatives. Central to the event was a 40-day campaign built on the theme of “Involvement of All.” Across all operational areas, the...

Featured Book of the Month: Samadhi the Highest State of Wisdom

Samadhi the Highest State of Wisdom: Yoga the Sacred Science, volume 1 by Swami Rama Samadhi the Highest State of Wisdom brings Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras to life in a very personal and helpful way. “A clear and relevant guide to the deeper practices of Yoga for those...

World Breastfeeding Week 2024: Bridging the Gap for Better Support

The National Family Health Survey-5 data underscores the critical need for promoting breastfeeding, particularly exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life. While the survey shows a slight improvement in exclusive breastfeeding rates, from 54.9% in...

New Release: Samyama the Power of Self-Transformation, by Swami Rama

Samyama the Power of Self-Transformation is the third and final volume of Yoga the Sacred Science, a series based on Swami Rama’s comments on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and other aspects of yoga science and philosophy. Samyama represents the culmination of the sacred...