This year’s RDI Foundation Day celebration embodied the vision of H.H. Swami Rama, emphasizing community service through outreach initiatives. Central to the event was a 40-day campaign built on the theme of “Involvement of All.” Across all operational areas, the...
Recorded live from lectures Swami Rama gave to the graduate students at the Himalayan Institute in Glenview, Illinois, in the late 1970s. In this lecture Swami Rama explains that by having control over the modifications of mind we can attain a state that is free from...
Samadhi the Highest State of Wisdom: Yoga the Sacred Science, volume 1 by Swami Rama Samadhi the Highest State of Wisdom brings Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras to life in a very personal and helpful way. “A clear and relevant guide to the deeper practices of Yoga for those...
The National Family Health Survey-5 data underscores the critical need for promoting breastfeeding, particularly exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life. While the survey shows a slight improvement in exclusive breastfeeding rates, from 54.9% in...
Samyama the Power of Self-Transformation is the third and final volume of Yoga the Sacred Science, a series based on Swami Rama’s comments on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and other aspects of yoga science and philosophy. Samyama represents the culmination of the sacred...
In this lecture Swami Rama discusses Kriya Yoga. He explains that the three basic practices of Kriya Yoga–tapas, svadhyaya and ishwara pranidhana (self-discipline, self-study and surrender of the ego)–should be practiced by all students of yoga meditation, and that...