Spanish translation of Samadhi the Highest State of Wisdom SAMADHI el Estado Más Elevado de Sabiduría Yoga la Ciencia Sagrada, volumen uno Swami Rama “El día en que alcancéis el estado de Samadhi no dejaréis tan sólo de identificaros con los objetos del mundo, sino...
Guided Practice of Mantra and Meditation by Swami Rama “Meditation is a process of purifying the mind and making it one-pointed, inward, and tranquil. Through the method of meditation, the mind will help you to fathom the deeper levels of your being and lead you to...
Spanish translation of Bhole: Adventures of a Young Yogi BHOLE: Aventuras de un joven yogui Inspirado en lo que Swami Rama contó de su niñez Hema de Munnik Esta es la historia de un niño llamado Bhole que nació en una aldea remota en las montañas del Himalaya en el...
While in the country, TB (tuberculosis) treatment was moving from a sanatorium to a comprehensive program, at the Institute, it was the early days of establishment. It was a time when there used to be animated discussions between those trained in the West and those...
Instruction in meditation should form an integral part of our educational system so that our children, when they grow up, can face the most difficult circumstances in their lives with equanimity and poise and lead a life totally devoid of tension – Swami Rama World...
Spanish translation of Sacred Journey VIAJE SAGRADO Vivir con Propósito y Morir en Gracia Swami Rama “Para entender la muerte, un ser humano ha de intentar entender el propósito de la vida y la relación entre la vida y la muerte. Ambas son afines, cada una le...