Yoga trainings have been a regular activity in RDI in accordance with the underlying philosophies and teachings of the Founder of the Institute. After 21 June was declared International Day of Yoga in 2015, RDI initiated a Yoga Training Program from July 2015 onwards to promote it as a form of healthy well-being among children, adolescents and their parents as well as other community members. The approach is to inculcate healthy habits at a younger stage to help long term benefits in their lives.
The program undertakes yogic understanding for mind, body and soul through meditation, postures and exercises and breath awareness. The sessions are conducted through lectures and practicums. The program has successfully completed 2 years. Being a residential program of 48 hours it allows participants to learn yoga and meditation for guiding them towards inner peace. The training starts with an introduction of the program, its objectives and expectations of the participants. An introduction on yoga through videos is given. Early morning exercise sessions are conducted on joints and glands based on the Himalayan tradition.
It is ensured that all the participants are adequately prepared for the session and practices. Theory sessions are conducted with the group in an interactive manner facilitating an understanding on correct posture, diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, yamas and niyamas. Exposure visits to Swami Rama Centre, Sadhana Mandir and Swami Rama Sadhaka Gram at Rishikesh are made for experiential learning about H.H. Swami Rama and the lifestyle promoted at the ashram. Participants go for contemplative walking on the banks of the Ganges at Sadhna Mandir. The visits act as a stimulus for the groups who have queries regarding holistic lifestyles, courses and programs conducted and how could they be part of it at any time in future.
An important feature of the workshop is the creative expression of the participants. The group gets time to express their thoughts either through drawing or writing. But most of all they have enjoy kirtan.
So far 189 participants have been covered through these yoga programs including 28 people with disability in 27 batches. A one-week training of staff was also conducted from 24 June to 3 July.